Fly Fishing Photo Galleries

							Anglers fishing and floating the legendary Madison River near MacAtee Bridge

Fly Fishing Photos From Fins and Feathers Guide Service

Fins and Feathers Guide Service has been immersed in the fly fishing industry and “lifestyle” for 25 years and counting. Our passion for the sport and the places it has taken us runs deep. The drive to share this passion with other anglers is what has made us exceptional at outfitting fly fishing trips for so many years.

Floating and fly fishing on hundreds upon hundreds of miles of blue-ribbon, wild trout water is the quintessential Montana fly fishing experience. There is no better way to experience fly fishing in the Big Sky State while challenging your skills and learning to fly fish.

The photo galleries here feature snapshots of our days on the water from the viewpoints of our Bozeman fly fishing guides and guests.

Montana Fly Fishing Photo Galleries

										Madison river fishing in july 6

Upper Madison River Gallery

Fly fishing the Madison River's "50-Mile Riffle" while floating through the Madsion Valley is fly fishing in Montana at its best...

										Yellowstone River Fly Fishing Guide Trip 2

Yellowstone River Gallery

The longest undamned river in the lower 48 is a scenic, wild trout fishery with unparalleled dry and streamer fly fishing near Bozeman...

										Floating the Gallatin River while flyfishing Montana in the fall

Gallatin River Gallery

The cold, clean waters of the Gallatin River flow near Bozeman, making this a year-round Montana angler favorite fly fishing destination...

										Montana fishing on the lower Madison River near Bozeman

Lower Madison River Gallery

The lower Madison River is only 20 minutes from town, making at an ideal day trip destination for our Bozeman fly fishing trip in spring and fall..

										Montana fishing on the Jefferson River near Bozeman

Jefferson River Gallery

The scenic and wild Jefferson River will challenge experienced anglers with the lure of big fish fly fishing in an unspoiled and uncrowded Montana...

										Missouri River Flyfishing Images 10

Missouri River Gallery

Springtime is the best time of year to fly fish the Missouri River near Craig, Montana for big numbers of wild trout while nymph and dry fly fishing...

										Anglers fishing while floating the Bighorn River Montana

Bighorn River Gallery

Central Montana fly fishing shines on the Bighorn River near Ft. Smith where big trout numbers and summertime hatches attract anglers fishing...

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