Fly Fishing Blog

A Guide To Fly Fishing Montana’s March Brown Hatch

Posted by: Toby Swank
Date: 12/18/2024

The Western March Brown (Rhithrogena morrisoni) is one of Montana’s most anticipated spring hatches.

						Angler fly fishing March Brown hatch in montana

March Brown Mayflies

These large, elegant mayflies are part of the Heptageniidae family and are known for their distinctive mottled wings and brownish coloration. The nymphs have flat bodies and cling to rocks in fast water before moving to slower water before emerging as adults. The adults complete their life by mating and laying eggs back on the water, creating a cyclical event that draws trout to feed with urgency.

5 Montana Rivers for Fly Fishing the Western March Brown Hatch

Bitterroot River : The Bitterroot River is world-renowned among fly anglers for its prolific, early-season hatches and dry fly fishing. The March Brown hatch provides fantastic fly fishing near Missoula, Montana throughout the Spring. The hatch tends to peak during warm and cloudy afternoons, drawing both rainbows and browns to the surface.

Clark Fork River : The Clark Fork River offers excellent opportunities for targeting the Western March Brown hatch. Focus on back eddies and tailouts where currents slow and trout feed on emerging duns. The sections between Missoula and Superior can all offer productive dry fly sessions during March Brown hatches in March and April.

Missouri River : Anglers fishing near Craig, Montana in late April and May can expect heavy hatches of March Browns. The most prolific emergences occur on wet, mild days when the streamflow is stable for several days in a row. Trout line up along seams below riffles and gravel bars throughout this section of the Missouri River as the duns emerge.

Madison River : The upper Madison River’s fast flows and rocky substrate provide ideal habitat for March Brown nymphs. Trout key into the nymphs in April and early May, before the runoff commences. The sections below Varney Bridge is full of riffles followed by slower pools and inside bends where trout feed steadily during mayfly hatches.

Gallatin River : The March Brown hatch is bets in late April as water temperatures warm during the weeks leading up to the runoff season. The best Gallatin River dry fly fishing during this hatch is found in the valley sections near Bozeman. Afternoon hatch activity can last for several hours when conditions are ideal.

Top 6 Flies for the Western March Brown Hatch

March Brown Dry Flies

1. Parachute March Brown : This high-visibility pattern mimics the adult dun perfectly and is effective in riffles or flat water tailouts. Also works great as the lead fly on a dry dropper setup with a small soft hackle or unweighted emerger as the dropper.

2. March Brown : Tied in the style of a classic dry flies with wood duck flank feathers as wings to give the fly that muted brown color and profile. The classic March Brown is an excellent choice when trout are steadily rising in slow-moving , shallow water.

3. Royal Wulff : A Montana fishing guide favorite dry fly when working finicky trout that are holding along fast riffle seams, typically early in the hatch. This highly buoyant classic dry fly perfectly imitates the profile of the natural and is easy to see for the angler fishing the hatch.

March Brown Nymphs

4. Soft Hackle Hare’s Ear : Fish this realistic imitation of an emerging March Brown as a wet fly dropper or under a strike indicator.

5. Hare’s Ear Guide Choice : Anglers fishing fast water runs before a March Brown emergence rely on this pattern in the natural colorway as the lead fly on a tandem nymph rig.

6. Hare’s Ear Nymph : Its buggy profile and natural coloration make it a go-to fly for imitating March Brown nymphs when fly fishing deep, fast runs as the hatch wanes.

Angling Tips for Fly Fishing the Western March Brown Hatch

Best Time of Year : Anglers can expect Western March Brown hatches to occurs from late March through early May when fly fishing in Montana.

Presentation Technique : Drag-free fly presentations are crucial to angling success for both nymph and dry fly fishing techniques. Fish a soft hackle by swinging downstream and across during the peak of the hatch when trout are feeding aggressively.

Gear Recommendation : Our Bozeman fly fishing guides prefer a fast action fly rod in a 9 foot, 5-weight configuration. The St. Croix Evos, G. Looms NRX+ LP, and Sage R8 Core are a few of our favorite, versatile fly rods. A standard, weight forward fly line like the Elite Rio Gold works well with these rods to turnover long leaders whether nymphing or dry fly fishing.

Best Time of Day : Late mornings to mid-afternoons are the prime times for March Brown emergences. Overcast days will extend the hatch, providing longer windows of dry fly fishing opportunity.

						March brown brown trout while fly fishing in montana

Experience March Brown Hatch Fly Fishing in Montana

The early season March Brown hatch brings trout to the surface on those mild, cloudy days that makes for legendary springtime fly fishing in Montana. These large mayflies often hatch alongside blue-winged olives and caddis, thus extending the dry fly sessions for many hours when conditions are just right. Trout tend to feed with carelessness once the March Brown duns are on the water, making this hatch an excellent time for novice anglers to work on improving their dry fly skills.

Fins and Feathers has been outfitting Montana fly fishing guide trips for over two decades on the legendary trout waters near Bozeman. Join our guides in April and May to experience early season dry fly fishing in Montana. Reservations can be booked online, via e-mail, or by calling us at 1-406-468-5019.

						March brown dun

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