Fly Fishing Blog

Reconnecting Side Channels on the Bighorn River

Posted by: Toby Swank
Date: 09/06/2023

The Bighorn River Alliance is spearheading efforts to maintain and enhance the Bighorn River fishery through a variety of efforts, none of which will be more beneficial than their plans to reconnect several miles of side-channels to the main river-stem in the fall of 2023.

The Bighorn River Alliance is a non-profit conservation organization focused exclusively on the environmental and social issues that surround the Bighorn River. We learned more about them in the Spring of 2023 and immediately stepped up to support them with a financial contribution as they are actually doing real work to improve the fishery and the surrounding community. This work include community engagement through social outreach, habitat improvement, and innovative fishery monitoring efforts. Take a few minutes to learn more about their efforts and consider either joining as a member or supporting their efforts through a direct contribution.

The topic that peaked my interest and captured my attention is their planned effort to reconnect several side channels that have either been disconnected from the main river or the flows are significantly impaired. The issue has been caused, over time, by the natural channelization that occurs on many tailwater fisheries as a result of relatively stable flows which prevent naturally occurring flooding cycles. Sediment builds up and fills in low spots - many of which are near the inlets of these side-channels - which ultimately has reduced useable trout habitat in this instance. The BRA has developed an ambitious plan to begin reconnecting these side-channels in 2023 after several years of research, improving landowner relationships, fundraising, and engineering plans. The 2023 plan involves reconnecting or improving the flow to nearly 3 miles of side-channel which will increase overall habitat while greatly increasing the amount of suitable spawning habitat for both Rainbow and Brown Trout.

Bighorn River Alliance Side Channel Reconnection Plan 2023