Throughout winter, Midges become a heavily targeted food source for trout in SouthWest Montana. These tiny insects appear in great numbers in the surrounding area and can provide exciting angling opportunities.
At first glance, Midge(s) Adults are fairly underwhelming and easily overlooked. Colored tan or black, these tiny insects, similar to that of a Mosquito, are not actually related and typically non-biting.
It isn't until they hatch in great numbers that fly-fishing fanatics realize their true significance. Midges hatch year-round in nearly all of our rivers and creeks but are especially prevalent throughout Montana's Madison River system during winter. During mid-day, when air temps exceed 40 degrees Fahrenheit, rising trout can be found and caught. Having a selection of patterns to use when encountering feeding fish is crucial for success.
With over 20 years of experience outfitting fly fishing on Montana's rivers, winter midge dry fly fishing on our guided day trips near Bozeman can provide some of the most memorable moments of the year.
Trudging through deep snow and along ice shelves, light tippet versus wild Rainbow and Brown Trout, will prove to be challenging as a whole. These proven patterns are must-haves and can be found in most fly shops in Bozeman.
Many anglers put their rods down and hang up their waders once cold sets in, blind to any potential of large Montana trout rising to such small bugs. In masses, this hatch can truly rival many others that appear during more comfortable times of the year.