Fly Fishing Blog

Fly Fishing the PMD Hatch in Montana

Posted by: Toby Swank
Date: 12/11/2024

The Pale Morning Dun (PMD) hatch is one of Montana’s most widespread and prolific aquatic insect hatches. This small, delicate mayfly, part of the Ephemerellidae family, is known for hatching in great numbers during the summer months, creating unparalleled opportunities for dry fly fishing enthusiasts.

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Pale Morning Dun (PMD)

The lifecycle of the PMD begins with nymphs that crawl along riverbed sediments before ascending to emerge as adults. The nymphs are poor swimmers and easy prey for trout as they drift to the surface to hatch.

After mating, the female returns to the water’s surface to lay eggs, completing a cycle that repeats from late June through early August. The PMD's soft, pale yellow coloration gives it its evocative name, and its abundance on Montana’s rivers makes it a key hatch for anglers to experience.

Top 5 Montana Rivers for Fly Fishing the PMD Hatch

Madison River : The Madison River’s consistent flows and nutrient-rich waters make it a prime Montana River for PMD hatches. The upper Madison River sections near Raynold’s Pass and $3 Bridge are legendary for their mid-summer PMD hatches. Anglers fishing here should focus on riffles and seams during the day and then return for the evening spinner fall near dusk.

Big Hole River : Known for its scenic beauty and wild trout population, the Big Hole is a Montana favorite for PMD fishing. Sections between Wise River and Melrose are particularly productive in, with gentle riffles and deep pools that provide ideal holding water for feeding fish. Warm, early mornings and overcast days amplify and extend the hatch activity throughout most of June.

Beaverhead River : This small tailwater fishery located near Dillon, Montana is home to an impressive PMD emergence throughout June and July. The nymphs are of particular importance to anglers fly fishing the upper Beaverhead River sections. Although the river is now known as a dry fly fishing haven, the experienced angler can spend the day headhunting for large, single trout rising along seams near riffle edges and weed beds.

Missouri River : Renowned for technical fishing, the Missouri River below Holter Dam is a magnet for seasoned anglers targeting the PMD hatch. Trout key into PMD insects at every stage - from nymph to spinner - creating excellent angling opportunities throughout a day. Focus on the expansive flats when fly fishing near Craig, Montana during the PMD hatch from June through early July.

Yellowstone River : The Yellowstone River stretches, particularly between Gardiner and Livingston, are excellent for PMD fishing. Trout congregate near banks and around midstream rocks to rise to duns and emergers. Late morning spinner falls provide excellent opportunities at rising trout in back eddies and along foam lines.

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Top 10 Flies for the PMD Hatch Fly Fishing in Montana

PMD Dry Fly Patterns

1. Parachute PMD : With its high-visibility post and lifelike profile, this pattern imitates the adult dun perfectly. Use it during peak surface feeding.

2. Sparkle Dun PMD : This fly’s trailing shuck imitates a newly emerged mayfly, making it irresistible to selective trout. Highly visible and buoyant for use in riffles or flat water.

3. Rusty Spinner : As the hatch wanes, trout begin to key in on spinners. This fly’s slim profile and subtle coloration make it highly effective. This essential PMD fly pattern is a guide favorite for Gallatin River fishing during summer evenings.

4. Lawson’s PMD : Designed for realism and buoyancy by Mike Lawson, this fly excels in calm waters like Depuy’s Spring Creek and the Missouri River, where trout closely scrutinize their prey.

PMD Emerger Patterns

5. CDC Emerger (PMD) : A proven choice for targeting trout just below the surface, this fly mimics the vulnerable stage of emergence.

6. Craven’s Juju PMD : This versatile pattern from Charlie Craven combines realism and functionality, making it a must-have during the transition from nymph to adult. Fish this as a nymph under a strike indicator or as a dropper below an oversized parachute pattern.

PMD Cripple Pattern

7. Film Critic PMD : When trout are keyed in on struggling insects, this cripple pattern imitates a partially emerged mayfly with deadly precision.

PMD Nymph Patterns

8. Pheasant Tail Nymph (PMD) : A classic mayfly nymph pattern that remains effective for pre-hatch fishing. Its natural look draws strikes consistently.

9. Crackback PMD Nymph : This tungsten beaded nymph is highly effective as a dropper below a dry or a strike indicator rig. The heavy shank hook works great to hold on to oversized tailwater trout.

10. Hunchback Infrequens : A nymph that is ideal for fast water or deeper sections where fish are feeding on ascending PMD nymphs. A Beaverhead River fishing guide staple for summertime success in June and July.

Angling Tips for Fly Fishing the PMD Hatch

Match the Hatch Closely : Pay attention to the size and color of the duns on the water as they can range between sizes 12-18. Carry a variety of fly patterns, including emergers, duns, and spinners, to adapt as the hatch progresses.

Fish the Right Water : Focus on riffles, seams, and slower-moving pockets where trout gather to feed during the hatch. These areas provide trout with abundant food and easy access to rising insects. Long, shallow glides and foam-filled back eddies are hotspots during a PMD hatch

Use Light Tippets : To fool wary trout during a PMD hatch, use light tippets such as 5X or 6X. The finer diameter enhances presentation and reduces visibility in clear water. Leader lengths of 10-12 feet are standard.

Observe and Adjust : Watch trout behavior closely. If fish are refusing your dry fly, switch to an emerger or cripple pattern. Be prepared to experiment with presentation angles and drift speeds. A slightly quartering downstream presentation is ideal when the fish become wary.

Optimize Your Gear : A versatile fly rod that can handle the early morning nymphing sessions as well as technical dry fly casting is essential. Our guides like prefer rods like the Sage R8 Core, Scott Centric, and St. Croix Evos in a 9' 5-weight model. Pair these rods with an Elite Rio Gold or Scientific Anglers Amplitude Smooth Infinity fly line for top-notch performance.

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Experience Montana’s PMD Hatch with Fins and Feathers Guide Service

Fins and Feathers has been outfitting Montana fly fishing trips across the Big Sky state for over two decades. Although technical dry fly fishing isn’t for everyone, experienced anglers rank fly fishing to rising trout during a PMD hatch among their favorite western trout fishing experiences.

If headhunting Montana’s legendary trout during a summer PMD hatch is on your list, join our Montana fishing guides for a few days of fly fishing near Bozeman between mid-June and mid-July.

Contact us to learn more about our guided Montana fly fishing trips. Reservations can be placed online, via e-mail, or by calling us at 1-406-468-5019.

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