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June 8, 2023 Lower Madison Fishing Report

Date: 06/08/2023
Posted by: Toby Swank

Current Conditions

The river is still high but is starting to drop with reduced flows from Ennis Lake. However, it is still high and tough to "effectively" fish from the bank or in a boat. It should continue to drop the next few days and be in prime shape by next week. Currently, nymphing under a strike indicator with Sculpin or Crayfish patterns followed by small PMD and Yellow Sally nymphs has been reasonably productive. We have been doing some evening jaunts out to the river, hoping for Brown Drakes and Caddis - but have not found much going on as of yet. Stay tuned as it should get real good, real soon

Stream Flows

June 8, 2023 Lower Madison Fishing Report Streamflow


Recommended Flies


Copper Zonker

Lower Madison River Fishing

The lower Madison River has diverse wild-trout habitats from Ennis Lake to Three Forks. Beartrap Canyon has raging whitewater through boulder fields and narrow gorges. The river flows through a rugged valley before joining with the Jefferson and Gallatin Rivers. Fish species include Rainbow, Westslope Cutthroat, and Brown Trout. Both novice and advanced anglers can find ample opportunities to fish.

Read the "Lower Madison River Fishing Guide" for a comprehensive introduction to fly fishing in Montana on the lower Madison River from the Bozeman fly fishing guides with Fins and Feathers.