Key Montana Fly Fishing Insects: Skwala

						Skwala adult

Skwala (Skwala americana)

Skwalas offer some of the best early season dry fly fishing, but don’t discount the nymphs as many large trout are taken on these flies.

The Bitterroot River near Missoula has the most well-known early season skwala hatch that kicks off in late February or March. The mild Montana weather of the Bitterroot Valley draws anglers from around the region for some terrific early season dry fly fishing in Montana.

Starting in late February to early March through runoff, the skwala hatch will happen depending on water temperature, which needs to hold at a steady 43 degrees. Nymphs will start to crawl out of the water and on to shore, so the soft water near shore is a great place to start fishing this hatch.

During warmer spring days, females will hatch a bit earlier in the day, while colder days will see the hatch delay until afternoon at times. Sun will start to kick the hatch off, but a good snow squall can often make for stellar fishing.

Be sure to have patterns in sizes #8-#12. Tie on a skwala for some great fishing pre-runoff

The 3 Best Montana Rivers for Skwala:

  1. Bitterroot River
  2. Big Hole River
  3. Missouri River

Top 5 Skwala Dry Flies For Fly Fishing in Montana

Stonefly Fly Fishing In Montana Articles

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